
Metal Conditioner
Engine Formula

Engines take a lot of abuse and over time the acids deposited by the engine oils we use begin to erode and degrade the the metal they are made of. This causes oils to become less efficient. Our metal conditioner is designed to penetrate the metal and act as a barier between the metal and oils, thereby limiting the acids effects. Engine oils work better and help cool and lubricate the with greater efficiency.


Metal Conditioner
Transmission Formula

Transmissions really take a beating and transmission fluid causes just as much acid build up as oils do. Gears are stressed by force and high heat that cause transmission fluids to break down and deposit acid into the tiny cracks and crevases in the metal. Our Transmission Formula is designed to penetrate the metal and act as a barier between the metal and fluid limiting the acids effects. The fluid works better and helps cool and lubricate the transmission with greater efficiency.


Metal Conditioner
Firearm Formula

Firearms produce high heat and preasure and if not well lubricated can rust, seize, and allow build up that causes malfuntion. Gun oil and gun powder produce various acidic residue that over time contribute to metal fatigue. Our Firearm Formula is designed specifically condition gun metal and help to remove acid build up and protect against future deposites. The conditioner also helps to keep the metal lubricated and residual lubricating oil funtioning at peak levels.


Metal Conditioner
General Mechanical Formula

Acid build up happens whenever lubricants are applied to metal. Over time this acidic exposure will contribute to pitting, rust, and general metal fatigue. Our General Mechanical Formula helps protect bare metal from these factors by removing surface acid and covering it in a protective layer helping to keep the metal free of acid build up.


Fuel Addative

Petroleum based products contribute to acidic build up in engine metals. This acidic build up can degrade metal and cause pitting and exacerbate surface imperfections that can accumulate debris and clog fuel systems. Our Gasoline Fuel addative helps to remove acid build up and cover the metal in an acid repellent coating. Your fuel system will become cleaner and run better.


Fuel Addative

Desiel fuel combines lubrication with cumbustion. The sulfur content of desiel fuel (even low sulfur fuel) contributes to acidic buildup. Over time this can negatively impact the efficiency of the system. Regular maintenance can introduce oxidization that can accelerate acid build up. Our Deisel fuel addative helps to remove acid build up and covers the metal in an acid repellent coating.